Assisting clients to better consider their current and future needsAlways seeking opportunities to find value for clients in development of both immediate and phased plans. Respectful of budget and operational constraints. Image, social responsibility, sustainability, culture , staff retention, resource management, cost controls are all considered.
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Improving project outcomes through clear communicationMonitoring, Anticipating and Communicating evolving project considerations with a concentration on quality project delivery. Clear and consistent communication with all stake holders improves not only project outcomes but also controls costs.
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A new firm built on over 20 years of experience.A boutique commercial focused firm that can provide the attention your project or client deserve. Timothy Bennett's flexible teams will address your project's or client's needs.
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The TBA website is live.
Our website is up and rolling. We appreciate the comments and suggestions received and appreciate any more you have.
Certainly more will be coming, such as actual portfolio posts, and we will continue to tune […]
A New Adventure + A New Website
This site is under construction. Please excuse the appearance and bugs as we get everything into the right place.